Metaphor & creativity 

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula and Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide. Firebreak, circuit break or waterbreak? The impact of metaphor on people's perception and attitudes towards lockdown measures. In preparation.


Pérez-Hernández, Lorena and Pérez-Sobrino, Paula (joint first authorship) Consequences of metaphor frames for education: from beliefs to facts through language. Submitted.


Sánchez-Hernández, Miguel and Pérez-Sobrino, Paula Name it till you mean it: intersections between formal and semantic neological procedures in naming emerging pandemic objects in Spanish. Submitted.

Hidalgo-Downing, Laura & Pérez-Sobrino, Paula (joint first authorship) (2022). Rest in space, Starman! Creative reframing of death metaphors on David Bowie’s mural in London. Discourse Studies. DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula; Semino, Elena; Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide; Koller, Veronika & Olza, Inés (2022). Acting like a hedgehog in times of pandemic: Metaphorical creativity in the #ReframeCovid collection. Metaphor and Symbol 37(2): 127-139 DOI 

Pérez Sobrino, Paula; Littlemore, Jeannette; and Houghton, David. 2018.  The role of figurative complexity in the comprehension and appreciation of advertisements. Applied Linguistics 40 (6): 957–991 DOI

Metaphor & creativity & crosscultural communication

Winter, Bodo; Brown, Lucien; Pérez-Sobrino, Paula (2019). The sound of soft alcohol: Crossmodal associations between interjections and liquor. PLOS ONE 14(8): e0220449 DOI

Littlemore, Jeannette; Pérez-Sobrino, Paula; Julich, Nina; Leung, Danny. 2019. Is Comfort Purple or Green? Word-colour Associations in the First and Second Language. In Ana María Piquer-Píriz, Rafael Alejo-González (Eds.), Metaphor in Foreign Language Instruction (pp. 103–130). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter DOI

Littlemore, Jeannette; Pérez-Sobrino, Paula; Houghton, David; Jingfan, Shi; and Winter, Bodo. 2018. What makes a good metaphor? A cross-cultural study of computer-generated metaphor appreciation. Metaphor & Symbol 33(2): 101-122  DOI

Littlemore, Jeannette and Paula Pérez Sobrino. 2017. Eyelashes, speedometers or breasts? An experimental cross-cultural approach to multimodal metaphor and metonymy in advertising. In: Baicchi, A. and Bagasheva, A. Figurative Language We Live by. The cognitive underpinnings and mechanisms of figurativity in language. Language Issue of Textus. 197-222 DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2013a. Personification and ideology in the American media coverage of the Iranian Green Revolution. Text & Talk 33 (2): 233-258 DOI

Multimodal metaphor & advertising

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2023. The role of multimodal metonymy in the creative advertising of taboo products.  In preparation.

Pérez Sobrino, Paula; Littlemore, Jeannette. 2020. What makes an advert go viral? The role of figurative operations in the success of Internet videos. In L. Hidalgo and B. Kralievic (eds.) Performing metaphorical creativity across modes and contexts (pp. 119-152). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2016. Multimodal metaphor and metonymy in advertising: A corpus-based account. Metaphor &Symbol 31(2): 73-90 DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2016. Shockvertising: patterns of conceptual interaction constraining advertising creativity. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 65: 257-290 DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2015. Expanding the figurative continuum to multimodal settings. Patterns of interaction of multimodal metaphor and metonymy in advertising. Doctoral dissertation. University of La Rioja DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2014b. La relevancia de los complejos conceptuales en publicidad (The relevance of conceptual complexes in advertising). SCIRE 20 (2): 27-36 DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2013d. Metaphor use in advertising: analysis of the interaction between multimodal metaphor and metonymy in a greenwashing advertisement. In: Elisabetta Gola and Francesa Ervas (Eds.) Metaphor in Focus: Philosophical Perspectives on Metaphor Use. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 67-82 Book URL

Metaphor & research methods

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 40 years of conceptual metaphor research: thinking inward, outward, and forward. In preparation.

Julich-Warpakowski, Nina and Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2023. Current challenges in metaphor research. Special issue of Metaphor and the Social World 13:1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company DOI

Julich-Warpakowski, N., & Pérez Sobrino, Paula (2023) Introduction: Current challenges in metaphor research. In Julich-Warpakowski, N., & Pérez-Sobrino, P. (2023) (eds.) Current challenges in metaphor research (pp. 1-15). Special issue of Metaphor and the Social World 13:1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company DOI

Pérez Sobrino, Paula and Ford, Samantha. 2023. What counts as a multimodal metaphor and metonymy? Evolution of inter-rater reliability across rounds of annotation. Language and Cognition, 1-29 DOI

Laura Hidalgo-Downing and Paula Pérez-Sobrino. 2023. Developing an annotation protocol for evaluative stance and metaphor in discourse: theoretical and methodological considerations. Text & Talk. DOI

Laura Hidalgo-Downing and Paula Pérez-Sobrino. 2023. ‘Pushing Britain off the precipice’: A CDA approach to negative evaluative stance in opinion articles on Brexit (pp. 201-226). In Marín-Arrese, J.; Hidalgo-Downing, I. and Zamorano-Mansilla, J.R. (eds.) Stance, Inter/Subjectivity and Identity in Discourse. Peter Lang. DOI

Olza, Inés; Koller, Veronika; Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide; Pérez-Sobrino, Paula & Semino, Elena (2021). The #ReframeCovid initiative: From Twitter to society via metaphor. Metaphor and the Social World 11(1): 98-120. DOI

Pérez Sobrino, Paula and Littlemore, Jeannette. 2017. Facing methodological challenges in multimodal metaphor research. In Baicchi, A. and Pinelli, E. (eds) Cognitive Modeling in Language and Discourse across Cultures (pp. 383-400). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars UP Book URL

Music cognition

Gerothanasi, Matina; Julich, Nina; Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. Accepted. Multimodal meaning-making in opera: Metaphors at the intersection of text, music, and images in Wagner's Lohengrin. In Colston, H. (Ed.) What makes a figure? Figurative Thought and Language series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Pérez Sobrino, Paula. 2018. Cognitive modeling and musical creativity. In: Csábi, Z.  Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 101-128  DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula and Nina Julich. 2014a. Let’s Talk Music: A Corpus-Based Account of Musical Motion. Metaphor and Symbol 29:4, 298-315 DOI

Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2014c. Meaning construction in verbomusical environments: conceptual disintegration and metonymy. Journal of Pragmatics 70: 130-151 DOI


Pérez-Sobrino, Paula. 2014d. Multimodal cognitive operations in classical music. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 11. 137-168 DOI